Blade Nano QX

Blade Nano QX

When the weather is not good enough to use anything outside, I like to fly my smaller aircrafts in the living room. I could do that with the Blade mSR or the Hubsan X4, but I wanted something just a little smoother and lighter. The Blade Nano QX fits perfectly in that demand.

It’s a very light bird, but still pretty durable. Very easy to fly when you use the tame settings on your transmitter. If you want it to go crazy, it has an “agility mode” where all stabilization is switched off which make it way harder to fly, but gives you the possibility to do flips and rolls.

Costs quite a bit more than a Hubsan, but you get more control for that by using it with a better transmitter. You can do a banked turn quite easily, which is pretty hard with a Hubsan. Both nice birds, but with pretty different characteristics.