Actually this was my second 4WD car, after the Marui Ninja. Most important reasons to buy it were the 4WD and the looks. Traxxas just took the 1/10 scale E-Revo and scaled it down to 1/16. I think the 1/16 has relatively more power than its big brother.
It’s just crazy fast on 3S Lipo. You can even hit a higher top speed with two NiMH batteries in series, but since those lose their voltage a lot quicker than Lipos, it’s only fun for a short time. Not that it doesn’t get hot on 3S Lipo, but with two NiMHs in series the combo gets hot in no time. Not recommended for use without extreme caution for overheating.
With the slipper clutch adjusted well, even on 2S wheelies on command are no problem.
Despite having the wheels on the outer corners of the car, it’s easy to make it roll over with the stock wheels. It looks like it has a low center of gravity, but when you look under the hood, you notice that the motor is mounted pretty high, which moves the center of gravity more upwards than you would expect.